
Address book search

Enter a contact name, company name or telephone number to search for, then click "Go".

Tray Mode Address Book Search

Matching entries are displayed from any integrated CRM business application or the Telephone system User list.

Hovering over the displayed results will present a slide out menu offering click to dial, or click to "Show Contact" (in Edit mode, if authorized).

Advanced Search

Select the Advanced search option to use more specific filters or search on alternative contact details such as contact notes or address details, if supported by the source address book:

advanced search display

New Contact

Select "New contact" to add a new entry to CRM Integration:

address book new contact personal

Fill in the contact details and select "Save":


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Personal/Company details provided to us through this website regarding an enquiry will only be used to specifically deal with that enquiry. We will not disclose your personal information to a third party or use it for marketing purposes without your permission. Please see our Privacy Policy for more information.